Hofstra University Honors College's Blog

Posts tagged ‘informative’

Bi. Not Confused, Bi

So today I want to talk about something that seems to be coming up in conversation a lot recently: bisexuality. More so the misconceptions about it.

From my experience, a lot of people (both outside and inside of the LGBTQ community) see bisexuality as something that doesn’t really exist. They see it as either the last stepping stone toward becoming gay, a gay person trying to stay in denial, or a straight person looking for attention or acceptance. Well, I’ve identified as bisexual since eighth grade and I can tell you that none of these are true. Believe it or not, it is possible for someone to be attracted to two genders. Trust me; I’m not the only one.

That’s another thing most people get confused about with bisexuality. Being bisexual doesn’t necessarily mean that you are attracted strictly to males and females. (more…)